So... do to the fact that Daniel and I work full time, "summer vacation" isn't a thing we know about anymore (which is a good thing!... right? heh) Well... Daniel and I have done some fun stuff so far! July will be more adventurous but, June has been fulfilled as well :)
1. Las Veeeegaaasss-Daniel's Bday!
In order to get away from reality, we decided to go and visit family in vegas! Super fun weekend and super needed! And with our new baby (the car.) we hardly had to fill up for gas :)
Birthday Cookie at BJ's! This place has the BEST Soda, btw.
Obsession, much?
This kid.... SO AWESOME at scooter tricks! I was very impressed!!
2. Lagoon!
Daniel's work gave us free tickets to Lagoon! Super fun day! It brought back a lot of memories because I used to go there from the ages of 5-8... so... it was weird being there lol.
Oh and.... Daniel and I won a free TV =D It's the perfect size for our room! LOVE it! (Thanks Genesis Pure... AKA Daniel's worky)
LAGOON!... no we weren't flying... we were on the sky ride! Super relaxing... my fave ride :)
We went through Pioneer land?... I think that's what it's called... and they have a cute Music Hall!
My hot hubby in front of the river rapid ride!
3. Hiking Mount Timp (sorta...)
Daniel's friend Mike came into town from Florida/Texas... and he doesn't see mountains much... so... he wanted to hike one. lol. We actually wanted to go see the Timp Caves... but... according to this old bat who works there, tickets sell out at 11:30... she couldn't believe we didn't know that.. bah. SO... we decided to go explore around the caves. Mike swore we could sneak our way in but... this midevil chick that worked there said there was no way..... so hiked back down :) PS... it was like a billion degrees outside....
1. Family coming up to Utah to visit :)
2. Dark Knight Rises (not for me... for Daniel... and yes... we already have tickets.)
3. Lake trip to Idaho!
stay tuned... =D